Whew! We are back from or whirlwind Annual Midwest trip and it was a BLAST! Traveling is getting a lot easier now that no babies are in tow and the kids seem used to the routine of traveling now. We did try out first red eye flight going there and it worked out just fine! We were all tired but survived!
I took 398 pictures this year.....here are some of the highlights...
Day 1 ~ Thursday/Friday: This was a LONG "DAY!!"
Ready for the red eye! PJs on the plane are AWESOME!
She doesn't look sleepy!!!!
We made it! On the El to my sister in laws house in downtown Chicago!
Made it downtown!!!
We showered, ate and power napped at my SILs house then it was off to Indiana...With wine tasting on the way!! (I wasn't impressed) Indiana does basketball, corn and Indy cars well....let's let Napa stick to the wine making, m'kay???
So excited to be at an Indiana winery! LOL!
We're in Warsaw! Woo hoo!
The cousins were SO FREAKING EXCITED to see each other! They really look forward to this time all year long.
Day 2 ~ Saturday: The next day was the 4th of July per se--it was when the lake was doing their fireworks so we celebrated the 4th on this day. The weather was pretty nice so it was all about being OUTSIDE and in the water!
Sarah loves her little cousin Eme!
How many kids can you fit on a tube??!
Everyone got a chance to ride with Pops on the jet ski. Brooke was the screamer/prayer. Pops said she screamed and prayed the whole time. Totally my kid.
Will was the silent one...but loved every single minute!
Sarah didn't want to go too fast :)
My sister in law and me with our drinks :)
Look at these kiddos!! I love them so MUCH! They are all soooo unique and adorable!
Nothing better than a boat ride and a 7 Up!
Happy 4th from the matching Rooneys!! Love how my daughter is a hair away from being taller than me! When did this happen??!!
Day 3: Sunday ~ Sunday was filled with more time on the lake and a very special BBQ with Granny a Grandma T.
Tubing..these two...hilarious!! Look at their faces!!
These two are about 3 months apart and for whatever reason have a special bond...i guess you can call it that. They are polar opposites but somehow they just "work." Weird!
Except when she tries to hug too much!
Love these girls!! Tubing buddies for life!
BBQ at Grandma T's....Great Granny and all the grandkiddos!
All the grandparents, kids and grandkids!
They love sweet Granny!
The Outlaws popped into this pic :)
Day 4: Monday ~ I swear I can't remember what happened on Monday but I am pretty sure it involved at sleepover at Grandma Ts, a candy store and more shenanigans! (all the days are running together at this point!)
Lunch at Grandma T's at the kid's favorite burger place Penguin Point!
Kids in the coolest candy store EVER!!!
It's chaotic when we visit, so Buddy's finding his inner peace! LOL!!! Calgon take him away!
Day 2: Tuesday ~ We took a little "road trip" and walk down memory lane and some of Scott's favorite childhood places....
How can you not love a place called Mr. Weenie??!
I had to stop and get a pic of the kids in a cabbage field--The Cabbage Patch Kids! It was stinky :)
Not sure what the significance of it was, but this was a pretty cool old bridge :)
Scott and his Godson :)
Day 5: Wednesday ~ We headed up to the "beach" in Michigan! I had never been to Michigan so another state to check off the list!
Beachy fun!!
Doesn't get much cuter than Baby Eme with sunglasses!
Cousin Love :)
Day 6: Thursday ~ We had such a great time staying "local" on Thursday.....going to lunch, antique shopping (why didn't I bring an extra suitcase??!!) and getting ice cream!!!
Being silly with Grandma T
We heart antique stores!! :)
Brooke and I could have literally stayed in this store ALL DAY!
Rewarded with ice cream!
On the way home I had to take the obligatory Indiana "Children of the Corn" pic!!!
We finished off the evening with "wrap night" at my brother in law and SIL's house! SOOOO YUMMY!!!
We said goodbye to Pops and Grandma Melly! We had such a great time visiting!!
Day 7: Friday ~ Friday was back to Chicago to get ready for our flight home :( The kids were SO SAD to leave! Luckily, Cousins Livy and Eme came with us to Chicago!
I told you, these two have a STRANGE bond!! They held hands walking all around Chicago!!
A swim in Lake Michigan!??? YES!!
Here they go again!
Navy Pier at dusk...
How gorgeous is the Chicago skyline??!! Love this city...in the summer!
Day 8: Saturday ~ Well, back to the grind!! Flight was uneventful coming home. Sarah fell asleep at around 2:30 pm on our drive home from the airport....woke up at 6:30am the next morning!! SOMEone was tired!!
The kids are still upset about leaving their cousins! We were so blessed to have spent the last week with our loved ones. We had such a great time and we're counting the days until next summer!!
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