It all started with what I thought was going to be a "routine" ultrasound. However, I was told that it was really a nuchal translucency (NT) screening for Down's Syndrome and other chromosonal abnormalities. This NT test was not routine when I was pregnant with Brookey just 3 years ago! To make a long story short, I left the office in tears after being told I was in the "high risk" category for Down's and that I needed to decide if I wanted to pursue more invasive, diagnostic testing for definitive results. Since I am a bit on the control-freaky side and need to know things (except the sex of the baby!!), I scheduled an appointment for a CVS test, which is a similar procedure to an amnio (yes, needles in belly--not cool).
Scott escorted me to the procedure this past Monday and like a trooper, sat there with me through three needles in my belly (two to "numb" it and one REAL needle). I think I have a pretty decent tolerance for pain and this procedure sucked. I don't wish it upon anyone, but it was over really quickly so I guess it wasn't that bad.
The next two days we were sitting on pins and needles. I did a lot of soul-searching and came to the realization of what a personal decision all of the testing was as well as a couple's decision about how to proceed with the pregnancy if any negative results are found. My Dr. told me awhile back that almost everyone (myself included) hypothetically says, "no matter what the tests show, i'll keep the baby." However, he found it amazing that the majority of people he's worked with ended up changing their mind once they were truly faced with the situation. The point is, you cannot pass judgement or know what's right until you are actually faced with the decision yourself. And in fact, there is no "right" or "wrong" decision. It's all very personal.
Luckily, Scott and I are not faced with that decision right now. We are happy to report that Baby Rooney #2 has no known chromosonal abnormalities, based on the results of Monday's testing--including Down's Syndrome and other much more serious conditions. So far, so good until Round 2 of genetic testing is done at 20 weeks. But right now, we're just counting our blessings.
We have another thumb-sucker!

look at my little "nephew"! he's gonna be a cutie:)