Monday, July 28, 2008
Bathing Beauty!

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Student Teaching...Almost Done!!!

Above is a picture of the 4th grade class where I am currently working/slaving. For the most part, they are good kids, but quite different than the students at my "real" school, Matthew Turner Elementary. Although I could use a "real" summer vacation and two more months of lounging at the pool, I am excited to go back to Turner. I'm glad I listened to everyone who told me I should just get this student teaching with over now and not wait....fantastic advice :-)
Monday, July 21, 2008
I Can Ride My Bike!!!

After getting her souped-up tricycle about a year ago...when her feet didn't come anywhere CLOSE to the pedals...Brookey can finally ride her bike! She can reach and pedals and ride away...so long as it's a straight path. Steering is another issue we'll deal with in Lesson #2. In the meantime, I think I'd better invest in a crash helmet!!
The rest of her weekend was spent goofing around at home, trying to shake a little bit of a cold. Check her out in her Pat Benatar headband, as Scott calls it. That is her OWN fashion statement she insisted on wearing all day long...i had nothing to do with it!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Family Photo

Much to Scott's dismay, I dragged him and Brookey to The Picture People this weekend for a family photo. Brookey was an angel for the first 10 minutes and after that, she was over the bright lights, camera and smiling on cue--who can blame her??? Thus, we have a couple of decent pictures that were taken during the beginning of the session. Check out this one on the bottom--that is just a classic Brooke face!

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Happy 4th of July!!

We just returned from a 9 day stay in Indiana. I can't believe I am saying this but it was actually RELAXING!!! Brooke is getting her groove down on air travel and has become an expert at taking her shoes off at security, sitting still to watch movies and always entertaining us with 2,000 rounds of "ABC" and the "Wheels on the Bus."
After 5 days of being terrified by all the dogs, Brookey finally warmed up to all the hounds in Warsaw and was very sad to leave "Henry, Ladybug, Shadow and Einstein." She still remembers that Charlie is the one who "ate all her M & M's." Not to mention Scott will never live down "Daddy dropping his cell phone in the toilet." It's great to have a 2 year old to keep everyone in check :-)
After 5 days of being terrified by all the dogs, Brookey finally warmed up to all the hounds in Warsaw and was very sad to leave "Henry, Ladybug, Shadow and Einstein." She still remembers that Charlie is the one who "ate all her M & M's." Not to mention Scott will never live down "Daddy dropping his cell phone in the toilet." It's great to have a 2 year old to keep everyone in check :-)
As Brooke gets older it makes me sad to think that we only get back to Indiana once a year but I guess the situation is what it is. Everyone is welcome to come to visit the West Coast Rooneys anytime!
Quick and Easy Meal Prep for Breakfast + Lunch + Snacks!
Ready for a SUPER quick and easy meal prep?! No joke, it took me longer to find all the lids to these containers than it did it prep my b...