
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Seven on Sunday ~ Week 5

Ok, this week was straight up CRAY, and I don't even know what day it is...clearly, because Seven in SUNDAY is now Seven on MONDAY! Just work with me, here..i literally have like ZILCH left in my tank!

Day 1: Sunday ~ Hmmmm...not sure what happened this day :( Somehow we managed to stay alive!

Day 2: Monday ~ Monday #targetrun with Sarah.....because it might rain inside Target....this kid is so ready for El Nino that she never goes anywhere without her umbrella!

Day 3: Tuesday ~ Finished up another 21 Day Fix Challenge group and almost fell out of my chair at the results! This group of gals worked their BUTTS off and I am so proud of them!!! Seriously amazing!

Day 4: Wednesday ~ Had to stop by the mall for some last minute items for Florida so she insisted we stop at the lovely mall playground #germfest

Day 5: Thursday ~ No clue.

Day 6: Friday ~ 100 Days of School!! Woo Hoo!!

Day 7: Saturday ~ So today was interesting. We went to Russian River Brewing Co to celebrate Scott's bday! Super fun but I had a little tummy bug so it's wasn't exactly super fun for me! However, seeing Scott finish "The Sampler" was pretty amazing! I sipped a few and some were good and some were straight up NASTY!

Super lame this week, I know! Can't promise much better for next week since I will be in FL all weekend, but I'll post when I can! Might be another Seven on Monday :)

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 photo http___signaturesmylivesignaturecom_54493_88_9CE8AA3F49A05E87EC0C8AFE42F0194E_zps6da736d6.png

1 comment:

  1. Love the umbrella look! Here in El Paso women carry them to protect their faces from sun. Wish I had thought of that 40 years ago! Amazing 21 Day Fix results.


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