
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Seven on Sunday ~ Week 49

Day 1: Sunday ~ Our annual Christmas Tree Day!! They are super excited, can you tell??!! We ALWAYS go to a place called Larry's Produce which is a local "farm/farmer's market" to get our tree Our school delivers fresh trees and most people take advantage of that and everyone else I know has a fake one. I refused to even discuss a fake tree but after this year....I could be convinced....! I would miss our annual "tradition" though :)

 Our tree never has a theme, never a's just a big bunch of randomness...kinda like us!! The kids chose colored lights this year and I said fine :) I just love decorating our random tree and thinking about the "story" behind all the ornaments...the people who gave them to us, when the kids made them...i even still have an ornament I made in 3rd grade!! Our tree might be random, but it's full of great memories!

Day 2: Monday ~ Recipe testing for my Facebook Clean Eating Crockpot Challenge that starts tomorrow (Monday)!! Email me ( or send me a Facebook PM (Casey Shanks Rooney) ASAP if you want to join the fun!! These tacos were SO SO GOOD!!!

Day 3: Tuesday ~ I definitely keep this in mind even among all the holiday craziness! #truth

Day 4: Wednesday ~ Every six months, I take all 3 kiddos to the dentist for one appointment to get it over with! Last year, Sarah screamed her head off and I had to hold her. This time she marched right in when they called her name. I asked if she wanted to me to come with her and she said, "Nope, I got it!" #biggirl #tears Here were are celebrating no cavities!!!

Day 5: Thursday ~ The Christmas season officially starts for me when I get to see the 2nd graders at our school perform the story of Christmas.  My heart always swells with happiness and gratitude and my eyes are always full of tears when I watch these kids! This was the 35th year the play had been performed! I snapped a quick (bad) pic but my favorite part is 94 year old Father Vic sitting on the left...he is sick and dying, but wouldn't miss this play for anything!

Day 6: Friday ~ Sarah's babysitter is trying to turn her into a Niners fan!! WHAT??!! #raidersalltheway #derrickcarr

Day 7: Saturday ~ I pulled out these Christmas placements that belonged to my late grandmother (my dad's mom).I have distinct memories of her taking me to the fabric store every "season" to pick the new placemat patterns. She would get so excited for all of them but she could only afford to buy one set per season. She would spend the next week quilting them. When she passed away she had several sets that were distributed among her kids, grandkids, etc. I was lucky enough to get these Christmas ones and a set of heart-shaped Valentine's ones. Every time I pull them out, I think of her all the good good times I had with her growing up.

Have a great week! Try to take a breath and stay sane!! XOXOXO

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