
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Seven on Sunday: Week 3

A pretty typical week for us...nothing too crazy to report!! :)

Day 1: Sunday ~ I have to say, since soccer ended and the holidays are past us, the weekends have been pretty quiet around here. On Sunday I pretty much did nothing....took a nap, went for a jog, Target run, watched a Harry Potter movie with the family...yep, that's pretty much it! I felt this way the whole day:

Day 2: Monday ~ College Football Championship!!! Not sure if the Ducks were supposed to buck the Bucks or if the Bucks were supposed to buck the Ducks--all I know is this seven layer dip happened and I ate WAY too much!!!

Day 3: Tuesday ~ I downloaded this book on Kindle for a little carpool line reading and it's SOOOO GOOD! I love it. It's an easy read and has a religious slant to it, so it's perfect. The book goes back and forth on big parenting things such as keeping a healthy spiritual life to smaller things we can do such as "be silly with your kids." Each chapter has nice stories and practical advice. LOVE LOVE this book!

Day 4: Wednesday ~ Since Sarah enjoyed the library story time so much last week, we went back. She loves the stories, but mostly she loves checking out all the other kids. They have a playtime with a zillion toys afterwards, too that she really looks forward to...see how happy she is??!! These are the faces I get when I say, "Sarah, smile!!!" :)

Day 5: Thursday ~ Today was just a crazy day at work. The whole week I've just felt "off"--it's one of those "teacher days" where you feel like you're a complete and utter failure. (Have I not taught them ANYTHING??! How do they not know this??!!) LOL! Working on lesson plans and hoping next week will be better!!

Day 6: Friday ~ Sarah and I made a trek to Nordie's to pick up these jeans. O.M.G. I have never experienced jeans like these. They literally feel like pajamas...pajama jeans! Not that I would know what Pajama Jeans feel like, but just sayin' :)  They literally hug your a completely good way :) You might have to pry these jeans off my dead body. They are by Wit and Wisdom.

We also had a totally impromptu dinner in Napa with good friends!

Two girls and ice cream....what's better??

Pizza in Napa? EVERYONE is happy!!!!

Day 7: Saturday ~ We had a little family day and had lunch and did a little shopping over in Marin. It was such a beautiful day!

I didn't have any coins for the kids to throw in the little fountain, so they went and picked out the coins already in there. Lovely :) Also, notice there is no water in the fountain!! LOL!! Still drought conditions here in CA!!!

Have a great week!!!

XO ~ Casey

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