
Monday, May 7, 2012

Sarah's "Birth Story"

As I write this, Sarah is just now 2 days old and we have been home since yesterday! What just happened?? Did I really just give birth??

As of mid-last week, Sarah was a "planned" delivery. I was contracting and all of my dialation and effacement stats were prime for a scheduled induction. I really wanted to go into labor on my own, was feeling fine and could have definitely been pregnant another week or so. However, I worried about Brooke and Will and where they would be, and how I didn't want to bother anyone in the middle of the night! I was also worried I wouldn't make it to the hospital in time :) So when my Dr told me he was on call at the hospital all weekend, I decided to put my mind at ease at schedule an induction so my parents could be here with the kids.

Induction horror stories are rampant (the "evils" of Pitocin, etc), however, my story is pretty darn rosy. I think mostly because my body was already primed and READY. Goes something like this:

9:00am: Check into the hospital
9:30-10:45: Fill out paperwork, read my celebrity trash magazines, Scott and I wonder if I'll be able to have a margarita by Happy Hour (5pm!). I think it's unlikely.
10:45: Low dose Pitocin started
11:15: Start feeling contractions, pretty painful!
11:45: Dr breaks my water
12:00: Holy crap, contractions every 2 minutes, pain!! Nothing THAT horrible. It sucks though, I'm not smiling anymore. Where's the epidural chick?!
12:30: Got the epidural...ahhhhh......
1:13: Nurse: "Maybe I should check you, your contractions are really close. You're wait....10!! Get the Dr!"
1:25: "Um, I think she's coming out..."
1:30: Dr. arrives, I push once and...
1:35: Sarah Marie is born

Zero "tearing" or stiches and I was/am in virtually no pain afterward--even after the epi wore off. The most pain was probably just the site of the epidural, but that's pretty much gone now.

It's only Day 2, but Sarah is a champ so far. Totally fallen into a 3 hour schedule (I have to wake her to feed her, though). Her first night home was good, too...she ate at 10:30pm, then woke up at 3:00 & 6:00am to eat. She makes all these funny little noises at night, so I think I'll have to move her away from my bed a little but I slept pretty well last night! Probably better than when I was preggo and certainly better than my night at the hospital.

I'm sure she'll "wake up" in the next few weeks and it will be more challenging, but right now, I am enjoying every moment of this newborn stage!! We're all so in love with her!!!

1 comment:

  1. You LUCKED out with your induction story. Mine lasted for 26 hours! Start to finish. Lucky girl! Glad everything went well with her birth!!!


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