This has definitely been one of the most difficult years I've had. Juggling two kids and an extremely labor-intensive, emotional job definitely took it's toll.
My decision to take little time away from teaching at first, was an easy one. But when the time came to say by students, co-workers and parents, it turned out to be a lot more difficult than I imagined.
There is no doubt I plan to return to the profession as soon as it makes sense for our family. It's cards and letters like the one here that makes me never doubt my decision to enter one of the coolest professions ever.
The card below is from the family of a student I met my very first day as a special ed teacher. This "young man" (3rd grader at the time), growled, screamed and threw chairs at me (several times!!) and would never look me in the eye except maybe to tell me how stupid I was. Last Thursday night, I watched him walk on stage and receive the President's Award for Academic Excellence. He walked off the stage with tears in his eyes and gave me a huge hug....and then apologized for throwing chairs at me. The next day I received this card from his family. Click on it to read. It was definitely a good thing I wore waterproof mascara when I read it!
What a wonderful card, Casey!