Sunday, March 19, 2017
Seven on Sunday ~ Week 11
Day 1: Sunday ~ Gorgeous day so why not fake glasses and a fake cell phone?? :)
Day 2: Monday ~ Lots of sports this week! Brooke had team pictures followed by their best game of the season so far. They TIED, though--we learned that there is no overtime in 6th grade. #superlame
Day 3: Tuesday ~ First game for Will! They crushed the other team 15 to something...(maybe 0, I wasn't keeping track!). Looks like it's going to be a good season!
Day 4: Wednesday ~ Just in time for St Patty's Day, I whipped up this yummy GREEN shake! Even the kids liked it!! Get the recipe on my main blog HERE.
Day 5: Thursday ~ I am absolutely in LOVE with Trader Joe's dressings (the ones you find in the cold/produce section). My #1 in the Spicy Thai Peanut Dressing but this one is a great #2! It makes a great dip and is super low cal and low in fat and free of any nasty chemicals. And it still tastes GREAT!!
Day 6: Friday ~ Had such a great time in Seattle collaborating with my fellow health and fitness coaches! Such a great group of inspiring women!!
Day 7: Saturday ~ More fun with the girls!! Suncadia outside of Seattle is SO BEAUTIFUL!! Cold, but beautiful!! So blessed to be able to spend the weekend here!!
Cheers to a great week! XOXO
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Seven on Sunday ~ Week 10
Day 1: Sunday ~ They got killed for their first two games but still love watching my #99 play! Hopefully, the coaches lit a fire under them and they'll have better luck today!
Day 2: Monday ~ Happy 8th birthday to my one and only son!!!! He's quirky (i.e. shorts and socks!) but we love him!!
Day 3: Tuesday ~ It was off to the SF Symphony and a few churches in SF for a fun filled field trip for Buddy and his friends! He had to be at school at 7:15 much to the dismay of everyone!!! EARLY!!!
Day 4: Wednesday ~ This is the second random cross shadow we have found around the house. The other one was on the backyard lawn! #lent #signofthecross
Day 5: Thursday ~ The kind of stuff I find on my phone when I clear out my pictures every week!
Day 6: Friday ~ We had so much fun watching Brooke as Anita in 101 Dalmatians! Beauty and the Beast and Into the Woods are next up in May! Then in April she's auditioning for summer theater camp--super excited and nervous for her!!!
Day 7: Saturday ~ Grandma and Grandpa came up for Brooke's play so the next day we headed up to Napa for picnic to enjoy the beautiful spring weather!!
After the picnic, Scott decided to take advantage of the nice weather and get outside with a chainsaw!! #lordhelpus
Have a great week!! XOXO
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Seven on Sunday ~ Week 9
Day 1: Sunday ~ Sarah and I watched the Oscars together and were both blown away by Justin Timberlake!! LOL!
Day 2: Monday ~ Wine Club pick up day! It was a beautiful day in Sonoma--after all the rain, we'll take any sun we can get!!!
Day 3: Tuesday ~ First night in her big girl bed!! Can you believe it's been almost FIVE years and this girl has INSISTED on sleeping in a CRIB??!!!! A crib! My friend was finally giving away a little twin bed, so I thought this was the perfect time to try it out. Sarah loved it and was fine! But now she insists on keeping her crib for all of her baby dolls--ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!
Day 4: Wednesday ~ Will's Lent "promise" or thing he's working on is playing outside more (praise God!). He's been doing well and he and Sarah play outside almost every day after school!
Day 5: Thursday ~ Baseball practice and then Scott's coaching debut for the 6th Grade Girls basketball team! It was a brutal game. Let's just leave it at that :)
Day 6: Friday ~ We had the day off school so we did a lot of errands and running around. I took Brooke and her friend to see Hidden Figures--what a great movie! I really don't care for movies or GOING to the movies but when I see a good movie like this, it makes me want to go more :) Great one for the girls, too!
Day 7: Saturday ~ Will's bday sleepover with his besties. These 3 are inseparable! This is literally the ONLY pic they would let me take! Boys!! Seriously!!
Have a great week!!! XOXOOX
Quick and Easy Meal Prep for Breakfast + Lunch + Snacks!
Ready for a SUPER quick and easy meal prep?! No joke, it took me longer to find all the lids to these containers than it did it prep my b...