
Monday, May 30, 2016

Seven on Sunday ~ Week 21

This week was a blur!! I cannot believe this is the last full week of school!!! I was pretty bad about pics this week but here are a few!!

Two words: Hobby Lobby. I cannot believe I have never been to this place! What a home decor gold mine!!!

 I went back 4 days later :)

My mom got my a FitBit for Christmas and I've been loving it! Last week it just started acting weird and finally just stopped working--I've only had it for 5 months! It took one call to Customer Service and a brand new one is on it's way to me! Whenever I think customer service is completely dead (hello, AT&T), something like this happens and my faith is restored!

 When she says "It's crazy hair day! Let me take a selfie!" you hand her the phone :) #selfie

Bubba had his first baseball playoff game and they pulled it together and won! Next game is Tuesday..if they win they'll be in the championship. Yay!

It was a BEAUTIFUL day so we walked to the park for the first time since we moved. It was a great workout!!

We had so much fun at a wedding here in our neighborhood last Saturday night. At our age, not many people are getting married, so it was so nice to attend a wedding! This special couple has actually been married for 28 years, but they were married in the Catholic Church this past weekend -- similar to a vow renewal. It was so special!!

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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Seven on Sunday ~ Week 20

Day 1: Sunday~ Celebrated the last year of my 30's with some dear friends.

Day 2: Monday ~ MONDAY. Ugh, I've been struggling through the last weeks of school! I always seem to forget what a MAD DASH it is! Events, projects, progress reports....  Plus we are still finishing up baseball season, STILL "moving" and the kitchen was torn up this week soooooo.....can't wait for summer!!

Day 3: Tuesday ~ We like to take selfies in the morning when we are waiting for her babysitter :)

Day 4: Wednesday ~ PROGRESS!!!!!! So the job is 99% done....just some minor touch ups this week and "light traffic" for the next 2 weeks while the paint sets up 100%. I would share more pics but he said we should leave the cabinet doors open for a few days while the paints sets, so the kitchen isn't too pretty with all the doors open.

But the bottom line, WE LOVE IT!!!! It is sooo light and bright and awesome!!! I can't tell you how happy I am that I found this guy to do the panting to get us out of the mess we were in when the old painter ditched us. The old painter could have never done this good of a job. Things happen for a reason :)

Day 5: Thursday ~ Our school's first "talent show!" It was sooo fun to see all of the kids and their "talents!" I absolutely enjoyed every minute of it! You could not pay me any amount of money to get up there and do the things these kids did! It was AMAZING! Brooke and her friends made up an entire dance routine themselves. I had NO clue what they were doing until they got up there and performed. So fun!

Day 6: Friday ~ OMG, you guys! I found my first gray hair this past Friday!! I was soo stressed this week so I guess it felt the need to pop out! Ugh. It could have waited until I was 40!

Day 7: Saturday ~ Last regular season baseball game before the playoffs! Brookey also worked on her campaign posters--she's running for Religious Affairs Officer. I cannot believe she chose to take this on given the 200 other things she has to do, but more power to her!

Have a great week!!!

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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Seven on Sunday ~ Week 18

Day 1: Sunday ~ All I wanted for my birthday was 2 uninterrupted hours to explore Home Goods! I love going there  but I can never really take my time because of the kids. It was heaven!!

Day 2: Monday ~ The kids had the day off, so Brooke decided to do a photo shoot with Sarah - LOL! :) She's as great model and will post pretty much any way you want!

Day 3: Tuesday ~ The Saga of Red Cabinets ... i mean seriously?? Does it end?? Latest update: So our painter came, took all the doors off, sanded everything left the kitchen a mess....and I didn't hear from him for TWO DAYS! No call, no text, didn't show up, NOTHING! So he was fired!!

Long story short, we had to find someone new and he's coming tomorrow (Monday) and will be done Thursday (God willing!). I'm dying with a "mobile kitchen" which is my dining room and I just want to get this DONE!

Day 4: Wednesday ~ This kid's hair was SO SHAGGY! He finally got a haircut..which he HATES. This might have been the first time he didn't scream or cry!

Day 5: Thursday ~ I could not be more proud of Brookey! The final results came out for the City Track Meet and she got first in the long jump! In the paper, they had her down as 4th grade by mistake but we found out she still won for the 5th grade, too :)  Super proud!!

Day 6: Friday ~ Speaking of being proud, I mentioned last week he was coming off a little baseball slump..this week they turned up the machine for his machine pitch league to 40 MPH which had me a little worried! But he cranked out a couple of AWESOME hits and made some great plays at 3rd again! He told me afterwards, "Yeah, I can only hit the ball if it's coming really fast." :)

Day 7: Saturday ~ Had a great time celebrating a good friend's birthday....this is the ONLY pic we got of the whole night...we were too busy having fun!!

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Monday, May 9, 2016

Seven on Sunday ~ Week 17

Day 1: Sunday ~ I help run a little "daycare" at our church....these little ones are always full of energy and wake me up on a Sunday morning!

 These days, Sundays are usually followed by a trip to Lowe's :)

These planter boxes were overgrown with weeds so I cleaned them out and planted some herbs. I'll plant flowers, too later on. It's my first attempt at "gardening" -- we'll see how long it takes for everything to die!! HA!

Day 2: Monday ~ This girl got BRACES! They bugged for for about a day and a half but she's totally back to normal, eating everything again.

Day 3: Tuesday ~ Brookey's braces were hurting so she stayed home from school. Not sure what else went on :) Pretty uneventful day!

Day 4: Wednesday ~ So buddy has been a a slump the last game. Last game he stuck out 3 times in a row which totally has not been normal for him. He was down about it but I told him even the best players get into slumps--it's all part of the game. Today he **finally** came out of it, got a hit, made 3 or 4 great plays at 3rd base and got the game ball!

 Oh course Sarah couldn't let anyone steal the limelight...

Day 5: Thursday ~ So glad she felt good enough to go back to school!

And we celebrated this girl's birthday!!

Day 6: Friday ~ City track meet! For the past 3 years, it has been one of the best days! So much fun! It's only open to 3-5th graders so it was Brookey's last year. I was so proud of her--she did EVERY event including the mile! We think she did awesome in the long jump but she wasn't happy with herself at all. Final results won't come for a few weeks.

After the mile!

 Shot putt!

Day 7: Saturday ~ My mom, aunt and grandma came up for Mother's Day! I took them to Napa for the first time! So much fun!

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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Seven on Sunday ~ Week 16

I'm back!!!! I've missed the last two weeks because of the move, but I think I can throw something together for this week. Our new house is starting to feel like home but we still have A LOT of work to do. I'm talking, YEARS of work and additions and touches to the house! YEARS! But I am fine with it because I truly feel like this is our "forever" we have some time!!!

The house itself is gorgeous but cosmetically, it was a a fixer upper! We're talking 10 different colors on the walls (and not NICE colors, BTW), overgrown yard and RED CABINETS (which apparently are infamous in our neighborhood!).'s a work in progress, but the fresh coat of paint is making all the difference! I will post some before and after pics as soon as we have some "afters!" In the meantime, here is just a hodge podge of randomness from the last two weeks!

My girls love to take selfies ("selfies of myself" as Sarah says)

They're pretty thrilled about the new backyard!!

One of their favorite things is watching the golfers and searching for golf balls in the backyard.They have found at least a dozen already! FORE!!

The Big Paint Dilemma of 2016 has come and gone! Thank GOD! Lesson learned: a tiny swatch of paint is NOT an indicator of how it will look on your walls (everyone that chimed in on Facebook with advice--THANK YOU!!!!!! You were all right!) This room below is super dark in the morning (faces west) and the dark floors (not my choice)  make it even darker. So the color we chose brightens it up SO MUCH! It's crazy--there were so many DARK colors in this house and lightening it up changes the look COMPLETELY!

This is the "before" picture (see all the gray paint swatches??!) actually looks better in the picture than in person. It was a pretty "heavy/rich" yellow/gold that really weighed down the room. I am going for the light/bright/airy look throughout the house so I am glad it's gone! The fireplace and cabinet also got a fresh coat of bright white paint vs. the antique white it used to be, which I just thought looked dirty!

We celebrated her last basketball game at Buffalo Wild Wings!!

So our old literally looked like homeless people inhabited it when we moved out. No joke,. It was NASTY! I had this AMAZING team of cleaning ladies come in --4 of them came at 5:30am and scrubbed the house down to the nubs for 6 hours straight. The oven, inside drawers, walls, blinds, baseboards, EVERYTHING. Then a carpet guy came and worked his magic on the carpet and I swear, I had a brand new house afterward!

I went over to the old house one night to grab the last few things...I said goodbye to every room and left a note to the new owner telling him how well the house served us and how many memories we made there! And yes, I shed a few tears, but nothing terrible :) Two weeks later, I don't miss our old house at all!

Saying goodbye to the house! The kids said goodbye and never wanted to go back or drive by or anything. They wanted closure! Now, like me,  I don't think they miss the old house one bit :)

Will presenting his 10 page animal report on parrots :)  It's so great because I remember Brooke doing the same thing 3 years ago! So fun!

End of the year basketball party at the park! I think Scott got talked into coaching next year! HA!

So proud of this kid!! Representing the 1st grade at our school in the Mental Math Bowl! There were 4 rounds of mental math and he answered correctly in each round! We thought for sure he would get at least 3rd place but I have no idea how they scored it. All I know is I am SOOOO proud of him!!

Clearly he was super excited for me to take his pic before the competition!!!

Little Sis was proud too :)

My 'lil math guy :)

Alrighty! That is all the randomness I have for this week! Hopefully, in the next few weeks I will have more house pics to share! It's been a PROCESS getting everything up and running but it's coming along...slowly but surely!!

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Quick and Easy Meal Prep for Breakfast + Lunch + Snacks!

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